10 Years

Recognition Awards

Gregory Black – Direct Support Professional

Greg has worked at the Maranga residence for many years. He is very good at supporting the individuals in the home. You can usually find him tending to the plants in the house. He is kind and soft spoken and is always willing to help out when needed. Congratulations on your 10 year recognition. Keep up the good work and we hope to have many more years of working together.

Connie Hesom – Direct Support Professional

Connie, your kindness, thoughtfulness, and creativity is appreciated by all. Connie always comes to work with a positive attitude, a smile on her face, and goes above and beyond for the individuals she supports. Connie is always looking for new things to do with them, whether it be fires in the back yard, wiener roasts, picnics in the park, crafting, or going for walks. Connie is always open to trying new things to help the individuals succeed in their everyday lives and it is very much appreciated. You are a true asset to the Eastview team. Thank you for all you do. It is a great pleasure to have you as part of the team!

Carolyn Malchuk – Direct Support Professional

Carolyn began working for Gateway in 2014 and currently works in the SIL Program. She is always a delight to have around and takes on any task with a smile on her face. Carolyn is always up for any challenge that comes her way and remains calm and collected through it all. During her time at Gateway, many have discovered that Carolyn is an amazing cook! We/ve managed to utilize that skill as a part of our SIL Gathering Times. Carolyn is a wonderful addition to the SIL team and we look forward to all the fun the future holds.

Stephanie Rempel – Direct Support Professional

Steph has been an integral part of the Gateway team for many years and at multiple homes. She is relaxed, witty, and reliable. If she says it – she means it. There are very few people who can navigate through a snow storm like Stephanie. She will walk in and say, “Meh, it wasn’t that bad.” She is always willing to stop in and lend a hand and is a jock of all trades. The connections she has formed with the participants she supports communicates a sturdy foundation of trust and respect. She is always finding events, new things to try in the community, and new places to explore. Thank you Steph for everything you bring to Gateway!